Study published in Nature’s Scientific Reports that identifies factors influencing the academic careers of college students with dyslexia in Italy

With great pride we announce that the scientific study. Clustering analysis of factors affecting academic career of university students with dyslexia in Italy has been published in the journal Scientific Reports of Nature. It was carried out by the team from the University of Tuscia in Viterbo, which includes Giuseppe Calabrò, Marcella Barone, Juri Taborri […]
Tech4All’s REASY uses the EasyReading/Dyslexia Friendly® font, a highly readable font that makes reading easier even for people with the disorder of dyslexia

Reasy is an application intended for students with dyslexia, born from the scientific research of the European project Vrailexia coordinated by the University of Tuscia in Viterbo. The project, recognized by IRCAI-UNESCO as one of the 100 best global projects applying Artificial Intelligence, aims to develop innovative strategies and tools for creating accessible and inclusive […]